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About Danta

Danta Art is a digital art gallery established in Germany in 2024. The gallery's founder, Daniela Albers (Danta), is on a mission to offer art enthusiasts worldwide a unique and thought-provoking experience.


Danta is a digital artist who specialises in creating images using various digital art programs to combine technology with inspiration. Her preferred tools are Adobe Fresco, Photoshop, Lightroom, and AI. In terms of AI, Adobe Firefly and Nightcafe are her favourites, as they allow her to train her own AI models.


Danta's primary focus is digital watercolour art. In her multifaceted works, luminous watercolour art merges with the wet-on-wet technique to create an aesthetic dance of colours and shapes. Often infused with a light pinch of cubism, Danta's portraits and landscapes come characteristically alive with a subtle luminescence.

Alongside her love for watercolour art, she has a deep passion for creating Science Fiction. These diverse art forms allow her to explore different themes and styles, keeping her work fresh and exciting. 



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